Office Phone
(864) 576-0302
Monday - Saturday
10 am - 6 pm
10 am - 4 pm
Office Hours
The office will be closed on Thanksgiving day, Christmas Eve, Christmas day, New Years Eve, and New Years day.
DirecTV Dish at Pine Ridge: Elevation 44.8 and Azimuth 215.8
Fire wood: $6 a bundle, delivered to site
Quarters available in office for laundry facilities
A couple of children standing side by side with blue captain america shirts on with the Pine Ridge Campground pavilion in the background.
Independence Day golf cart parade with five patriotically decorated golf carts in a line.
Three happy boys on bicycles at Pine Ridge Campground
A group of children and adults painting flags on pallets
A buff gentleman in a muscle t-shirt holding his daughter who is hand painting.
A girl painting a flag onto a wooden pallet.
A group of children and adults having pool party at Pine Ridge Campground.
An exciting game similar to hungry hippos where the children throw balls from the pool into their partners bin.
A boy playing in the pool with a water gun and a cup on a string. The objective is to move the cup from one side of the pool to the other by using the water gun as propulsion device.